For this Video I projected all Marvel moves released up to 2022 onto one continuous mosaic. This is used to illustrate the sheer amount of production and content that is produced by Disney as well as a lot of the amount of overwork that CGI artists and animators experience when pumping out this amount of content.
There are articles specifying the types of overworking and sheer incompetence of not having pre-visualization of special effects and organization behind the scenes because it is cheaper to overwork the underpaid digital artists due to the way Marvel takes the cheapest bidders of artists to do their CGI. Many of these offices where the artists work at have dedicated rooms to have mental breakdowns before continuing on with their work.

Bisset, Jennifer. “Marvel’s VFX Artists Are Suffering -- and Starting to Speak Out.” CNET, 2022,
Francisco, Eric. “Marvel Has Become Villainous for the VFX Industry. How Can It Scale Back?” Inverse, 10 Aug. 2022,
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